Thursday 12 January 2012

How To Show Up On Your Customers' Radar (OR NEWSFEED!)

Have you given much thought lately to how the average American family spends its time? It’s quite a departure from how we lived our lives just ten short years ago.

One of our clients recently shared his epiphany with us. His family was sitting in the great room in front of the television. No one was talking but there were four conversations going on in the room around him. Why? You guessed it—everyone was chatting via social media-enabled devices—their laptop, iPad, or cell phone. His daughters were even forwarding web-links and sharing Facebook comments with each other while in the same room as each other, yet without exchanging a single word verbally. He figured this out when the girls broke out in laughter at the same time but he didn’t catch a joke—they’d texted it to each other.

As ludicrous as indirect-direct communications may seem to those of us who grew up a few decades earlier than this rising tech-enriched society—a new form of communication has arrived and society has embraced it in almost every commerce-related and social aspect of their lives.

How can you get into that inner circle? That is the question web development firms are clamoring to answer. People aren’t always going to search for you, and yet, you still have opportunities to appear in front of them. Getting invited into people’s Twitter feed is one way you can send out short message bursts to them on a frequent basis. Converting them to your inner circle where they’ll accept your newsletters and special offers is where the art of messaging and communicating comes in.

You may have heard that content is king, but so has everyone else. Instead of heeding the rush to shove content out the door, resist the urge and hold back. Insist that quality is present in every communication; otherwise you’ll quickly get blocked or dropped by potential customers. What makes your communication worthwhile? It should have one or more of these key components:

1. Entertainment value
2. Education for consumers
3. Special offers or discounts
4. Relevant and timely information
5. Clever tips and tricks

The number one way to show up and stay in your customers’ inner circle is to give them something they perceive as valuable: a laugh, a breaking news update, special offers, education, or tips and tricks. Does your messaging contain one of more of those components?

Stay tuned for our next blog where we will discuss specific ways to discover which of these components is right for your specific company.

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