Sunday 22 January 2012

SEO, Website Design, & Social Media: Don’t Go At IT Without A Plan To Customize

Choosing a web development group to build and optimize your website, run your social media, shoot video, and truly be the media push your company needs is a very important decision. Reallocating yesteryear’s print media dollars to the new online media market through a web firm that promises to get your business noticed on the Internet is a necessary, albeit risky decision. On one hand, we contend it is the best advertising money a company can spend. On the other, it is also the quickest way to flush your budget if you choose a web development group that cannot deliver on its promises.

The number one thing we’d encourage you to address when interviewing search engine optimization (SEO) companies is CUSTOMIZATION.  That’s because as much as website optimization companies tout that they offer the golden ticket to high Internet rankings and traffic galore, the reality is there is no one special formula.

You heard us right. Believe us, we wish there were a magic bullet to bring all of our beloved small to medium sized business right to the top of the heap—and don’t get us wrong, we can and do help our clients achieve the results they desire. However, we do it through a very detailed and customized strategy built specifically around each company and its objectives.

Can you run your business through the template mill and come out with something decent? You bet. But looks are only screen-deep. When you have something all flashy and pretty that still doesn’t come up in your customers’ search results, something is not right.

Look for a company that builds the back end of the website as well as the “front end” pages that your customers see. This includes planting key words and constantly cycling fresh and relevant content through your site. It means interacting with your readership and interlinking all of your efforts so you can rise to the top of the holy grail of Internet rankings: Google’s search results.

Most importantly, look for an SEO firm that will take the time to sit down and get to know your company from the inside out. Be open to hearing anything from your SEO team: from challenging your current messaging strategies or company image to tweaking the finer points of your delivery.

Finally, look for a company with an expansive portfolio, proven results, and longevity. Believe us, the only way to stay in business for any length of time as an Internet advertising agency is to constantly deliver outstanding results to our client base. And we do.

Are you in search of an SEO or website design firm? Start here. We’ll help you get the answers you need and the results you desire. Where can we help you start?

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