Wednesday 18 January 2012

The Number One Key To Continual Online Business Growth

Companies approach Your Design Online all the time with one main objective behind their web development and social media marketing: Grow my business!

Much like considering medical options with your doctor, website marketing and design is built around professional opinion that stems from previous case studies and an educated point-person.

Take for instance, a person who has heart trouble. A doctor will assess that person’s health, explain their medical condition, and then make recommendations based on his or her findings. The recommendations could range from a change in diet and exercise, to incorporating stress reduction techniques, taking medication, or having surgery. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to health, just as there is no one-size-fits-all approach to website development and marketing. Both scenarios, whether it’s your personal health or your business posture, require a long-term commitment to goal-oriented, productive behaviors.

What kind of long-term commitment are we talking about when it comes to website design and marketing?

For one thing, contrary to popular belief, you can’t just build a website, hit the “launch” button, and forget about it. That was all good ten years ago when the Internet was still one-dimensional and less interactive. Websites that function well today require attention. This can come in the form of:

       Fresh video content
       Regularly scheduled blogs
  • Updated news feeds
  • Active social media links
  • Inviting and responding to guests’ comments
  • Posting helpful tips
  • Linking valuable and relevant sites
  • Rotating customer-centric promotions or sales
  • Featuring customers and testimonials
  • Games or contests
  •  Live video webinars
  • Moving “ticker” updates and industry news trends

What are your impressions when you stop in a brick and mortar store and their parking lot is empty? Do you believe that the business is floundering? That’s how most people perceive stagnant websites. The number one key to business growth today is to keep your message in motion and appear “alive and responsive” through your online presence.

Your Design Online can train your internal team to keep your website rolling with fresh content, or we offer website maintenance in various packages designed to meet your ongoing web marketing goals. We even work with independent business owners to help them maximize their time, message, and presence while building their business.

What are your favorite websites, and why? How can you capture those elements and raise your website to the next level?

Let’s start the conversation. Meet us on Facebook or call one of our team at 1 (800) 698-5859 to learn more today.

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