Monday 16 January 2012

Split Test Your Email Message Campaign To Secure Stronger Results

We all understand the pressure of delivering a great email campaign. You have to be careful not to inundate your customers with too many emails or they’ll drop your company like a hot potato. They’ll also opt out of your list if you’re not providing them with relevant, insightful, or beneficial information.
For these reasons, many companies wish they could test-market their message before presenting it to the masses—a confirmation of sorts that what they’re saying is worth hearing to the people they’re trying to reach.

Welcome to the world of Split Testing. A Split Test allows you to queue multiple messages and select only a portion of your database to receive them. Our Online Outbox program will automatically split your messaging to different groups and then track your results. Next, we’ll help you determine which message received the better response rate through an easy-to-understand, comprehensive reporting grid.

Once you recognize which of your messages is being received more favorably, you send that message out to your mass client base.

While it’s easy to do a Split Test, there are more ways to use this tool than meet the eye. For instance, you may find that emails you send that contain the recipient’s name in the subject line constantly fair better than others. Perhaps subject lines that indicate instruction such as “How to…” rate better than those that ask a question. Use what you learn from Split Tests to understand what captivates your readers and move your messaging into that direction.

Split Testing is a great way to test the waters before you pull the trigger on a massive email blast. Online Outbox makes conducting this internal poll as easy as the click of a button.

Take advantage of our tools to refine your email messages today, and if you have an e-mail marketing story to share with us, please send us your thoughts. We look forward to partnering with you to help your business succeed!

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