Tuesday 31 January 2012

The Best Keylogger for Windows 7, Vista, XP Support

Keyloggers are frequently misused by most people. Similar to other advancement in technology, they must be used for a good reason, however most others appear to automatically figure out how to misuse it. Because of selfishness, people can at times tweak what others have made and then use these items to further their own benefits. It's bad with keylogging as these are readily available on-line. Everyone can pick and choose it up; setup it on an individual's computer, then walk away with the collected information.

By introduction of new operating systems in the market, all employer and technician has been finding the appropriate tools that may be used as they improve their systems to take advantage of the new capabilities provided by the said Operating System. All along with the searches, obviously, is the search for the best keylogger for Windows 7 or Windows Vista. Employers and parents need this to make sure that they can still watch the activities of those who access their system. It’s not as simple though as going to a neighbor and asking for the best keylogger for Windows 7.

There are plenty of keyloggers in the market today, and few of them are already advertised as the best keylogger for Windows 7. Nothing has been confirmed at this point as people are still in the process of getting familiar with the system, and with the new additions that the company has done to its product, the modern keyloggers are not as silent and not as untraceable as they are supposed and advertised to be. This is a good thing for all users though, as they can sleep soundly at night knowing that their information is safe. Thing do change though, and even though the best keylogger for Windows 7 or Vista may not yet exist, it would be already a good thought to invest in software that hunts down and destroys keyloggers and similar programs.

There is one Keylogger program which is best for Window 7, Vista i.e. LightLogger Keylogger – it’s a versatile monitoring software that secretly records all activities on your PC.

LightLogger is "light" yet full-featured monitoring software:

ü  Great for Concerned Parents - See Heavenward’s  articles on using LightLogger to protect your child from the dangers of the internet.
ü  Stealth Mode - Use stealth Mode to hide LightLogger from all but the most sophisticated users.
ü  Keystroke Monitoring - Record keystrokes typed in any PC or web application.
ü  Application Monitoring - Record all applications opened on your PC.
ü  Website Monitoring - Track websites (including URLs) visited.
ü  Multi-language support - Set LightLogger’s display to use any of six languages, English, Italian, French, Deutsch, Spanish, or Portuguese.
ü  Screen Captures - Configure LightLogger to make and save screen captures at intervals you select.
ü  Windows 7, Vista, XP Support - LightLogger works on three popular Windows operating systems.

Protect Your Children with LightLogger Keylogger and Parental Control

As most of parents are too busy to monitor their children on a regular basis, specifically when it comes to how they use computer and the Internet, parents can now use a Lightlogger keylogger tool for their children. This software serves as a parental control program as it can keep track of what is happening on your computer and record the list of websites visited by any user of the machine where it is installed. It can also provide log files of chat sessions, viewed applications or programs and screenshots of websites including date and time.

Almost parents want to trust their children in using computer and surfing the Internet, predators abound. At this point, it becomes easier for them to get quite into a fall sense of security by these criminals. Everyone takes for them is to come in a chat room and to have anybody approach and chat with them. Before long, the conversation will turn more adult and fraudulent.

LightLogger Keylogger tool can give you all information you require to keep your children and your loved ones safe from these predators. This tool can assist you block your children access to websites that you think unsuitable for them to visit.

LightLogger keylogger software functions runs hidden in the background. It means users will not know that it is installed and actively running on their machines. Besides that, parental control programs are now available.

This kind of software is a useful tool in supervising your children Internet activities. At the same time, you can also effortlessly block unwanted content while your kids are using the computer.
For adult users, this program will also be helpful. It is recommended to keep away from adult websites or those with objectionable material due to its content and possible malware programs which can automatically download and install itself into the computers of unsuspecting users. Among these harmful applications include spyware programs, viruses and the like.

With the monitoring section of the software comes an integral security risk of sensitive information which could fall into the wrong hands. If you use parental control software, you need to be practical, especially with the privacy of your kids, particularly if you install it into a computer shared by other members of your family.

Parents ought not to forget to disable it when doing shopping or banking online. This is because monetary and confidential data will be stored and logged. This may be accessed and stolen by hackers or anyone with access to the machine.

Just install a keylogger application as well as parental control software to defend your children or family. Constantly take into account that protecting your children or family should be your top most priority.

Get more information about LightLogger Keylogger spy software and all the helpful benefits and features provided by the parental control applications. 

Thursday 26 January 2012

Weight Loss Tips

Did you know that 66% of Americans, age 20 and up, are currently overweight or obese? Those health classes that we are required to take in high school don't seem too effective, do they? In order to lose weight and maintain a healthy body, a positive approach and high motivation are necessary. Before you even embark on a weight loss attempt, make sure that you have a positive mindset and will remain dedicated to it. With that accomplished, these weight loss tips will help you shed off those unhealthy pounds.


Some doctors argue that walking is the best exercise for weight loss. In fact, any form of aerobic exercise is great for losing weight. If you do not want to walk, you can consider swimming, jogging, or some other aerobic exercise. It does not matter which one you choose, because all forms of aerobic exercise will help you lose weight. What truly matters is what you enjoy doing. You can even switch things up if you get bored of sticking to one exercise. Aerobic workouts aid in the total circulation of blood throughout your body. This is why they help people feel so much better.


In addition to walking, you should also include other physical exercises. You do not have to do anything strenuous, but doing other exercises will help you shed the fat and sculpt your muscles the way you want. You can have that firm, lean body you have always dreamed of. You can have that six pack that you envy on other men. You can have a flat stomach. Naturally, merely walking will not give you a firm, lean body or six pack. You may even have to do some situps in order to get that flat stomach along with your walking. Just as everyone gains weight in different ways, everybody also loses weight in differing ways. Keep that in mind as you work towards your dream body.

Gather Support

It is easier for an individual to stay motivated, when he is in a group sharing a similar goal or has a lot of support. Consider joining a weight loss program or even working on losing weight with a friend. This will not only make the process much more fun, it will also keep your strive enforced. It is loss of motivation that causes people to fail in a weight loss attempt.

If possible, you should also gather all of the support you can get from family and friends. Allow them to help you maintain motivation for losing weight.


Never starve yourself or go on a harmful diet. You need to eat to live, and you need to eat to lose weight. You just have to eat the right foods. A little research can inform you about so-called healthy foods that are actually bad for you and foods you may think are fattening, but actually help you lose weight. Who said improving your diet had to be a painful ordeal? You can still eat delicious foods and lose weight. Just always keep in mind you should do things in moderation.

In conclusion, positive mindsets, high motivation, walking, exercising, gathering support, and maintaining a healthy diet are the keys to weight loss. Never let yourself feel discouraged or harm yourself. Working towards the body of your dreams will be a challenging, but rewarding experience.
101 Weight Loss - Visit for quick, easy, safe & Safe Weight Loss tips. Articles on diets, pills, plans, programs and more.

White Kidney Bean Extract Can Help You Lose Fat

You might be wondering how White Kidney Bean Extract Can Help You Lose Fat. It is proven that the compound actually works in two ways to help with fat burning. Not only can it actually increase your body's metabolism and burn stored fat but it blocks starches from breaking down into glucose which is proven to be stored in the body as fat when there is too much of it for the cells to use.

It is well known that bodybuilders want to increase muscle tissue mass.  It is perhaps less known that they also need to reduce the percentage of fat on their bodies within healthy limits. The reason for this is that because thinner layers of fat in the skin reveals more muscle definition and it is the muscle definition that they are seeking in the first place. Of all the fat burning supplements on the market today for lowering fat in the body the most promising is white kidney bean extract, or Phaseolus vulgaris.

Phaseolus vulgaris is one of those plants that is a ancient food source. It has been cultivated around the globe by a number of societies for thousands of years. What science did not realize is that there are compounds in this plant that can help with weight loss. Now there is an extract that concentrates this compound to make the properties of the plant even stronger. As mentioned before White Bean extract many be lipogenic, according to several studies. In other words, the extract causes fat loss. This effect may be stronger then the widely used ephedra but without the negative impact on health as ephedra tends to be blamed for. White Bean extract therefor has some beneficial fat burning properties. It also has another bonus.

White Bean extract also increases fat loss because it blocks the enzyme alpha amylase.  This enzyme is the metabolic reason that simple carbohydrates are quickly turned into glucose, or blood sugar.  When glucose is present and cannot be used right away the body tends to store it in the form of – you guessed it – fat.  When you take White kidney bean extract before your meals you can block as much as a third of the starch that would be rapidly converted over into simple blood sugar.  This blocked and undigested starch is then passed through the body like fiber. Because you are digesting fewer carbohydrates you are more likely to burn extra stored body fat then you are to gain weight.

One word of caution, while taking white kidney bean extract will not hurt your workouts, you will want to pay attention to how you react to it and adjust the amount to the right level. Feeling overly hungry or craving carbs, or dropping too much weight should signal that you need to reduce the amount of the extract you are taking. Remember that White bean extract works best when you are watching your diet, eating good foods in healthy moderation, and maintaining a healthy exercise program.

Weight Management for Sensible Weight Loss

If you are trying to lose weight, then the most important thing that you need to do is to focus on your goals. This is without doubt the most important thing, as you will need to adopt a life style of weight loss if you want to lose weight and keep it off. This is important, as many people who diet or lose weight will end up gaining the weight right back, if they do not adopt certain principles that will allow them to live a lean and weight free lifestyle.

In essence, there are several thinks that you need to do for successful weight management. The first thing that you have to do is set a realistic goal for yourself and then stick with the plan that you have adopted for yourself. Don’t forget that it is not easy to lose weight and it requires work on your part. In principle, there are two things that you need to do to lose weight. One thing that you need to do is to reduce the calories that you are in taking every day. The second thing that you need to do is to burn the extra calories and the extra fat that you have accumulated over time.  This is of course done by exercise, the more exercise that you do, more weight that you will lose.

In weight management, you have to try to eat sensibly. This means that never go with huge portions of food. Eat in smaller amounts and try to keep it under control. Don’t forget the fact that you are eating to sustain your body for energy and no more. If you will eat with this principle in mind, then you will be able to keep focused on your goals.

Another thing that you have to watch for in weight management is eating the low fat foods instead of their regular counterparts. This means that you will have to eat low fat cheese and low fat dairy products along with lean meats instead of fatty meats. In addition, you should get used to the idea of drinking skim milk instead of full fat milk, if you want to be successful. Always read the labels and try to lower your calorie intake by watching and counting the calories that you eat.

One thing that you have to watch out for is emotional eating. Many times as reaction to stress, people will eat too much food and thus take more calories than they can burn. Obviously, this is something that you want to avoid and you should take the precautions to overcome this. Also, don’t skip breakfast as this will cause you to lose your sense of perspective in the day. People who are successful in losing weight are those people who control their eating with a regular breakfast everyday. Of course, you should not over do it, but you should eat a healthy full breakfast every morning.

If you focus on your weight loss goals, you will win. However, you will need to stay on your weight loss plan and adopt the weight loss principles for success. Then you can be sure to lose weight and keep it off for a long time.

Monday 23 January 2012


Native North ans South American Indians are believed to have been the originators of the canoes we recognise today. They were built from hollow-out tree trunks or were constructed from birchbark. The inuit people of North America and Greenland created their own from of canoe: the sealskin vessels they called kayaks. Aa a competitive sport canoeing was invented by the Scotsman John MacGregor, who in 1866 founded the Canoe Club at Richmond, Surrey.

Rules and Description

Competitive canoeing is divided into two types, depending largely upon the paddle and craft used. “Kayaking” has a paddle with a blade on each end and the kayaker sits in the boat, paddling on alternate sides of the craft. The kayak is a closed decked craft. In “Canadian canoeing” the paddler has just one blade and adopts a half-kneeing position in the canoe, switching the paddle from side to side. The Canadian canoe is an open-decked craft.

In flatwater contests canoeists and kayakers race in lanes over a set distance generally 500m 0r 1,000m were competed over. Flatwater contests are also known as “sprints”, irrespective of the distance. Whitewater or slalom events are held over rivers (natural or man-made) with a series of rapids, currents and sddies. Competitors have to negotiate a series of 18 to 25 gates on a 250-400m course, heading downstream and reversing direction to go upstream. They are timed over the length of the course and can incur penalty points for missing gates or touching gate poles.

Competitor Profile

Competitive canoeists tend to develop a very high level of physical flexibility, strength, and stamina, as the repetitions involved in the aerobic activity of paddling make use of all the muscles in the upper body-abdominals, arms, shoulders, back, and chest – as well as those in the leg.

Speed and Safety

Racing or sprint canoes are long and narrow to facilitate speeds. Slalom canoes are shorter and are fitted with a spraydeck – a waterproof apron worn around the canoeist that stretches over the rim of the canoe cockpit to prevent water from entering the boat.

Protective helmet – A lightweight yet tough and rigid outer shell covers an inner foam lining to provide maximum protection and comfort.

Paddle top – A fully waterproof cagoule, which allows the canoeist complete freedom of movement, is made from a specialist lightweight rubber material.

Flexible spraydeck – The cagoule is combined with a rubber spraydeck that stretches over the canoe cockpit to form a waterlight seal.

Buoyancy vest – To help a canoeist remain afloat in case of a capsize, a foam-filled vest is a useful piece of safety kit, particularly on fast-flowing wartercourses, such as white-water rivers.

Lightweight paddle – Many modern canoe paddles consist of a durable polypropylene blade mounted on an aluminium shaft.

Tough Hull – Canoe hulls, which need to be lightweight yet impact resistant, are constructed from materials such as fibreglass, Kevlar, polythylene plastic, or ultralight carbon fibre.


Boxing is a sport of great skill and physical toughness. Two combatants endeavour to punch one another to score points from the judges or referee, while avoiding being hit themselves. Almost all area of the head and body above the waist are designated scoring areas. Contests are won on points or by knockout. There is a major disparity between the amateur and professional ranks in boxing. Leading professional fighters are among the biggest earners in the world.

Fighter profile

Boxers require upper body strength particulary a strong punch – and a high resilience to being hit (a “good chin”). Boxing is a really tough aerobic workout so fighters need to display a fanatical training ethic and great stamina. Speed agility, and quick reflexes are beneficial, particulary for those fighting at lower weight levels.


Modern boxing was first codified in 1867 by a set of 12 rules written by John Graham Chambers and endorsed by the 9th Marquis of Queensberry.

Amateur boxing differs in various ways from the professional arm of the sport.

The Ring

The name Boxing “ring” is an atavism that dates from when contests were fought in a roughly drawn circle on the ground. A modern boxing ring is set on a raised platform. It is square, with posts at each corner to which four parallel rows of ropes are attached with turnbuckle. Each side of a standard ring is 4.88-7.32 (16-25ft) between the ropes, with another 60cm (2ft) outside known as the apron. The platform is 90-120cm (3-4ft) from the ground with posts rising around 1.5m (5ft).

Fighting Gear

Boxers wear shorts, boxing shoes, and padded gloves which come in two sizes – 227g (8oz) and 283 (10oz) depending on the weight of the boxer. Mouth guards are compulsory and groin guards optional in professional boxing. In amateur bouts fighters additionally wear headguards and vests and have larger, softer gloves. This is the only equipment fighters wear and use in the ring, but in training boxers additionally use free weights, punchbags, skipping ropes, speed balls, and other items to hone themselves into fighting shape.

Groin Guard

Protects fighters, groins from injuries resulting from illegal low blows.

Mouth Guards

Plastic gumshields guard the top teeth from being knocked out.


Gloves are specially padded to protect only the wearer.

Head Guard

Worn for amateur contests and professional sparring only, they offer protection but limit peripheral vision.
Ring Craft

Basic boxing training centres around physical fitness, speed of movement, and throwing jabs, and footwork. Good punches can only be thrown from a solid base. The techniques of throwing different punches is taught later. Top boxers work with their trainers for weeks at a time leading up to chamionship fights working on their overall conditioning and on a fighting style tailored to their upcoming opponent. They will practice key punches and spar with fighters of a similar build and fighting style to their opponent in an attempt to gain some advantage.

Lawn Bowling

It is believed that bowls developed from a game played by the Egyptians with skittles with round stones. Variants of the game are now played around the world, eg in Italy 9bocce), Denmark (bolle), France (boules: and Polynesia (ulamiaka). The oldest bowls green still in use is in Southampton, England, records showing that bowls have been played there since AD 1299. Henry VII was a keen bowler but thought it should only be played by the nobility, banning Bowyers, Fletchers, Stringers and Arrowhead makers from taking part as they were being distracted from their traders, and imposing a fee of 100 pounds for anyone who wanted to keep a private green. Bowls was introduced into North America in the early 17th century (George Washington is believed to have been a keen player). The game spread throughout the British Empire, with reports of it first being played in Canada (Nova Scotia) in 1730, Australia 9Tasmania) in 1844, and New Zealand in 1860.

Rules and Description

Outdoor or “lawn” bowls is played in 44 countries worldwide on a flat lawn or “green” surrounded by a shollow ditch, enclosed by a low bank and divided into strips known as “rinks” on which each game takes place. Games are contested between individuals, or teams of two, three or four. Bowls (which are flattened on one side to give them a bias) are delivered alternately and rolled towards a small white target ball (the jack), the aim being to place as many of your bowls as possible closer to the jack than your opponents nearest bowl, one point counting for each. Each set of deliveries is called an “end”. Singles is normally played to 21 shots, or to a sets format, with pairs and fours games being the best of 21 ends, and triples the best of 18. After each end, players play in the reverse direction, back up the rink. Bowlers must have one foot on or over a small mat when delivering the bowl. Similar rules apply for indoor bowls, although competitions are usually played on a piece of carpet with a single rink.

Crown green bowls is played predominantly in northern England on a square green, larger than that used for lawn bowls and with a raised “crown” at the centre. Each player (the usual game is singles) bowl closer to the jack than his opponents nearest bowl. Players start each new end from the position of the jack of the previous end. Games are usually played to 21 points.

Player Profile

Lawn bowling is an easy game to learn and is played by just about anyone – men and women, old and young,. The best bowlers have great hand-eye coordination and are very strategic thinkers.

The Bowls

Although bowls were traditionally made of wood or rubber, or a composite, modern bowls are made of lignite. They are designed to travel a curved path, referred to as their bias, produced by the asymmetrical shape of the bowl. The jack is perfectly spherical and usually coloured white.

The Green

Bowls is usually played on a manicured grass or synthetic surface known as bowling green, which is divided into parallel playing strips known as rinks. An indoor variation on carpet is also played. Outdoor greens have a uniform length, but may be of varying widths, depending on the number of rinks Indoor greens are usually smaller, their dimensions being set by organizers.

Equipment and Protection

Formal flourish – Although a players attire is not a significant part of the game, in competitions men will usually wear white clothes and a tie.

Rubber mat – Bowlers must stand with at least one foot on the rubber mat in the centre of their rink


A Canadian, James Naismith (1861-1939), is regarded as being the originator of basketball, although a similar game is believed to have been played in Mexico in the 10th century. Naismith invented the game in 1891 at the YMCA college in Springfield, Massachusetts, USA, using peach baskets on a gym wall. The game was originally designed merely to bridge the gap between the baseball and American football seasons, but it soon became popular in its own right.

Rules and Description

Five-a-side team ball game played on a hard – surface court with a bottomless basket at each end. The object is to move the ball by a series of passing and bouncing moves and throw it through the opponents basket. If the shot is not attempted within a prescribed time (24 seconds in the NBA), possession is awarded to the other team. Throwing the ball through the basket from open play scores a “field goal” worth two or three points depending on the distance of the shot. Fouls may be penalized by a series of “free throws” at the basket for one point each.

Playing the Game

Following the tip off which starts the match, each team simply aim to score more points that the other via offense and defense. Offense is generated via passing and dribbling (continually bouncing the ball while moving) and when a player feels they are in a position to score they shoot. Basketball is truly an “end – to – end” sport with numerous baskets scored during the course of the game. Often the winning side will have accumulated more than 100 points.

Out of Bounds

The ball is out of bounds when it touches the floor, or any object on, above, or outside of a boundry, or the backboard supports. When the ball goes out of play the clock is stopped. The ball is put back into play by the team that did not touch it last when it went out of bounds. A player has five seconds to put the ball in play after the referee signals the restart.

The Basket – James Naismiths first basket was an improvised peach basket which retained the ball. The modern basket is a metal rimmed hoop (measuring 50cm (18in) across) fixed to a backboard.

The Hoop – Strong enough to withstand players hanging from it during dunking.

Netting – Gathers the ball into a consistant drop for easy restarting of the game.

Backboard – Made of clear material to afford spectators seated behind the baskets a clear view of the action.
Baskets, Possession, and Rebounds – If a player is successful in shooting a basket, the team is awarded two or three points depending on the distance from the basket. The game restarts with the opposing team in possession on the baseline underneath their own basket. If a shot is unsuccessful, and it bounces off the rim or the backboard, players compete for the rebound. If the attacking team picks up a rebound they can prepare for another shot, if it is the defending team they attempt to move the ball to the other end of the court to score. Having a centre who is particularly adept at picking up rebounds on defense is a huge advantage as it inibits the opposing teams offense. Wilt Chamerlain, who played NBA in the 1960s, is arguably the greatest rebounder of all-time.

The Referee – He stands clear of the players after throwing the ball skyward.

Size Matters – Overall height and the ability to leap vertically from a standing position, are useful attributes at the tip off.

Fair Play – Players must not impede one another when jumping for the ball.

The Ball

The basketball has come a long way since the style first used in the late 19th century. That ball was heavy, with prominet sticthing, and an inconsistant bounce. Todays basketball is made from eight finely stitched pieces of leather filled with air. The mens ball has a radius of 19.3cm and a circumference of 76cm and weighs 600-650g (21-23oz).

Laws of the Court

Basketball was born in 1891 with 13 rules covering all the basics of play. Incredibly, the NBA have only 12 main rules today – but each has many clauses and sub-sections. There are subtle rule differences between the game played by the NBA, International Basketball Federation (FIBA), and National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA). Games are made up of four 12 minute quarters in the NBA. Teams can have up to 12 palyers but only five of these can be on the court at a time.

Timeout – Timeouts are breaks in the action which can be called by tem coaches and players, usually at key points in the game, to discuss tactics and raise player morale. In the NBA, teams are allowed one 20 second timeout per half, and six regular timeouts over the course of the entire game.


The sport developed from the British bat-and-ball game of rounders, which was played by colonists in North America at town meeting days. References to basebll have been found in American newspapers and civic documents from as early as 1791, and there is a tradition (now discredited) that the rules of the game were laid down by Abner Doubleday (1819-93) at Cooperstown, New York, in 1839. The first recorded organised game was played between the Knickerbockers and the New York Nine at Hoboken, New Jersey, on 19th June 1846 under rules drawn up by Alexander Cartwright (1820-92). Rules concerning equipment, numbers of “balls” and “strikes” allowed, and dimensions of the field of play developed over the next 50 years. The distance from the oitchers mound to home plate was finally fixed at 18.4m/60ft 6in in 1893, since when there have been only minor changes to the game.

Rules and Description

Team game played between two sides on a field containing a diamond-shaped “infield” which has “bases” at the corners, 27.4/90ft apart, and an “outfield” lying beyond this. Each side consists of nine players who “bat” and “field”, but players may be replaced during the game by substitutes from a total squad of up to 25. Essential pieces of equipment are long solid bats, the hard ball “pitched” from the “mound”, and the glove worn by each fielder: the team”at bat” tries to score runs during each “inning” by having its players hit the ball, circle the bases and return to home plate before being put out by the team “in the field” players are out if their hit is caught, if they are tagged with the ball when “off-base”, if the base is touched by the fielder with the ball before they arrive at it, or if they “strike out”, ie fail to hit the ball after three pitches have been judged “strikes” by the umpire, the team at bat is retired after three players are put out, ending the inning, a game consists of nine innings for each team, plus unlimited extra innings in the event of a tie.

Under National League rules, all nine players who field also bat, under American League rules, the pitcher is not required to bat, and there is a “designated hitter”, who bats but does not field.

Player Profile

Baseball is a game of skill, strategy, and athletic ability. Catching, hitting, and throwing all require excellent hand-eye co-ordination. It also helps to have great reflexes when facing the pitcher. Batters have just a fraction of a second to decide whether or not to swing at a pitch. Fitness is another important part of the game, for sprinting between bases and chasing down fast-moving balls in the field. Physical endurance is also crucial as the pros endure a gruelling 162-game regular season.

Equipment and Protection

Head Protection – Some pitchers can deliver the ball at 160kph (100mph) and more, so a helmet is essential for a batters safety.

Players Identification – Players from all the Major League teams bar the New York Yankees have their names on the back of their jerseys. A number on the front of the jersey also identifies the player.

Team Strip – Each player wears a strip in the distinctive team colours.

Shocking Stockings – Two Major League clubs are named for their stocking colour: the Boston Red Sox and the Chicargo White Sox.

Gripping the dirt – Baseball shoes have metal or plastic cleats on the soles that provide grip when running on dirt.

Bat attack – The baseball bat can measure anywhere between 63.5cm (25in) and 101.6cm (40in) in length and tapers at the handle. Professional players must use a wooden bat. Aluminium bats may be used in amateur baseball .

Padded Protection – The gloves of all fielders are well padded to protect the fingers.

Catchers Mitt – The fingerless mitt of the catcher guards the hand and makes it eadier to catch pitches

Catchers Mask – Modern masks are generally a one-piece design, similar to those worn by Hockey goalies.

Chest protector – Padding cushions the ribcage from pitches and deflected bats.

Knee pads – Special pads are comfortable for the catcher to rest on when in the squat position: they also provide protection for the knee joint.

Extra padding – Padding over the stomach prevents the catcher from being winded.

Shin guards – Also called spike protectors, they are used to prevent injury from base runners sliding into home with “spikes up”

Foot guards – Hard plastic guards cover the catchers shoes to prevent damage to the feet.


The chinese are reputed to have played the game more than 2,000 years ago, However, the game it most closely resembles is “battledore and shuttlecock” (the former a taut leather paddle: the latter a small feathered cork), a childrens pastime from Middle Ages. The modern game takes its name from Badminton Hall, in South Gloucestershire, a seat of the Dukes of Beaufort, where games were played in the 1870s. Badminton was also being played in India by British army officers that same decade and first rules were drawn up in 1873.

Rules and Description

Badminton is a game for two or four people, played mainly on indoor courts. The court measures 13.4 x 6.1m/44 x 20ft and is divided in two by a net, which is suspended 1.55m/5ft above the floor. The court size varies for singles and doubles play. The game is played with lightweight rackets and a “shuttlecock”, a cone fashioned from a cork base stuck with 16 goose feather flights (cheaper alternatives are made of plastic). The object of the game is to win more points than the opposition by preventing the shuttlecock from hitting the ground. The server serves into the diagonally opposite service court and a rally continues until the shuttlecock falls outside the court or the opposition cannot retrieve it or a fault is committed. Only the server can score points: if the opposition player wins the point the service advantage moves to him/her.

In the mens and doubles game the first to 15 points wins. If the score reaches 14-14 the player that reaches 14 first decides either to play on to 15 or to “set” the game to 17 points. In the womens game players need to reach 11 points – there is the option to “set” the play at 10-10 to play the best of a further 3 points. Matches are the best of three games, in doubles play both players on a side get the opportunity yo serve before it passes to the opposition.

Clothing and Equipment

Light clothing – lightweight cotton shirts and shorts or skirts keep the players cool.
Shuttle and Racket – Top shuttlecocks weigh around 5g (quarter of oz) and have 16 goose feathers in a cork base and are notoriously fragile: top players often get through ten in course of a match. By contrast, rackets are strong and designed to transfer the maximum energy from the player to the shuttle, giving it greater speed and distance in flight.


Australian Football

The know all of Australian Football

Australian Rules Football, or Aussie rules, was invented in the mid- 1800 by Tom Wills, W J Hammersley and J B Thompson. English-educated Wills was a keen cricketer and also football captain at Rugby public school. On his return down under, Wills suggested that cricketers could maintain fitness during the winter months by playing a version of Rugby Football. In 1858 Wills and his associates drew up some rules (which have since been modified), the Melbourne Football Club was formed, and the codes first recorded game was played between Melbourne Grammar school and Scotch College. In 1877 the games first league, the Victorian Football Association, was formed. The game soon spread to other Australian colonies, although Queensland and New South Wales chose rugby union and rugby league as their winter games.

Rules and Description

A field game played between two teams of 18 players, generally on cricket ovals during the winter months. The object of the game is to score “Goals” by kicking an inflated oval ball between the four posts erected at either end of the oval. A goal scored between the two inner posts is worth six points, a goal scored between an inner post and outer post is worth one point. The ball may be kicked, caught, or passed to another player by punching, but may not be thrown. Playersmay run with the ball but must bounce it to the ground every ten metres. A player who catches the ball cleanly may call for a “mark”, which entitles them to an unimpeded kick. The game is regulated by field umpires, goal umpires, and boundry umpires. Each game consists of four quarters of 20 minutes. Each team has four “inter-change” players (substitutes), who can come on and off the pitch at any time during the match.

Equipment and Protection

Head protection – Although lightweight guards called “helmets” are permitted, most players choose not to wear them.

Team colours – Players wear jerseys that display their team colours and an identifying number on the back.

Mouth guard – Most players wear a mouth guard to protect their teeth.

Boots – Players wear soccer style boots with studs or cleated soles.

Oval Ball – An Austrailian football is an inflatable bladder enclosed in four pieces of leather.

Goal posts – These are two posts in the centre. If an attacking player kicks the ball between them, their team is awarded six points.

Behind posts – Two shorter posts flank the goal posts, if the ball passes between a behind post and a goal post, the attacking team scores one point.

Player Profile

Austrailian Rules players are usually tall and athletic. They are fast sprinters and must have enough stamina for sustained running. Players are also physically strong and able to withstand the force of onrushing opponents.


Bows and Arrows were used as hunting tools at least 10,000 years ago. Archery was played as a sport in the Middle Ages as well as being a vital instrument in war. English archers won decisive battles against the French at Crecy (1346) and Agincourt (1415). The Royal Toxopholite (Greek for bow lover) Society was formed in 1787 and developed into the Grand Archery Association in 1844.

Rules and Description

Archery is the art of using a bow to shoot arrows at a target. Archers participate in singles and team competitions. Bows, once made of wood (preferably yew), are now mainly composed of plastic, fibreglass or graphite and carbon composites.

Competitive bows made from wood are termed “primitive”. Arrows are made of carbon graphite or aluminium with feathers at one end. There are three different types of bow: “recurve” or “classic”: compound (a bow augmented with pulleys and cables): and “barebow” (a recurve bow with no sights or stabilizer).

There are tow main types of competition: target archery and field archery. In target archery competitors shoot at circular paper targets attached to an upright coiled straw boss. Points are scored according to how close to the centre an archer hits. From the centre outwards there is a gold inner bull (10 points): gold outer (9), red inner (8): red outer (7): blue inner (6): blue outer (5): black inner (4): balack outer (3): white inner (2): white outer (1). Archers shoot a specified number of arrows over a predetermined variety of distances up to 90m (70m for women).

In field archery competitors move along a course or path aiming at targets, or targets fashioned to look like animals. The World Field Archery Championships is held in three bow divisions (barebow since 1959, recurve or classic since 1969 and compound since 1990).

Competitor Profile

Archers need steady arms, a good aim, and concentration, but these are not the only requirements. Much of the pressure is psychological – the need to hit a cerain score to win may make a target harder to hit than it would be in a practice session.

Equipment and Protection

Nock Lock – A mark on the string indicates the nock point – the point at which the indent in the rear of the arrow should be placed.

Excuse Finger – Leather tabs are worn to protect the first two or three fingers of the drawing hand.

Bowstring – The string is made from high-strength polyethylene fibre.

Accessible Quiver – The arrows are held in a tube worn on the same side as the archers drawing hand, for ease of reloading after every shot.

Stabd Fast – Archers wear sturdy shoes with smooth soles to maximize the area in contact with the ground.

Arm Guard – A brace protects against burns

Bow Shaft – Once universally made from wood, the modern bow is a mixture of carbon fibre and fibreglass, bonded with plastic foam.

Sharpshooter – A protruding metal or plastic rod with a viewfinder at the end is used by the archer to sight on the target.

Steady as she goes – Long or short stabilizers jut forward to increase vertical balance and sideways or in a V-shape to assist horizontal balance.

Row of Officials – Judges check distances and adjudicate any disputes: there should be at least one for every ten targets: Scorers work out the points after each round.

Traffic Lights – Archers may not shoot on red: green means they may fire, amber means they have 30 seconds left.

Flight Control

In FITA tournaments archers have a fixed amount of time to shoot 12 rounds ( a total of 36 arrows) at targets between 30m (98ft) and 90m (295ft) away. Scores are updated sfter six arrows at longer distances and three at shorter distances. An arrow touching two colours or a dividing line scores the higher value, and one that rebounds from or passes through the target counts only if it leaves a clear mark. In the event of a tie, the winner is the archer with the most scoring hits.

American Football

In 1869 the first intercollegiate game was played (between teams from Rutgers and Princeton) following a modified form of the rules of soccer. Over the next decade, rugby became more influential then soccer: an oval ball was introduced in 1874, and the first set of rules for American football was drawn up at the Massasoit convention of 1876. At Yale University between 1888 and 1892, Walter Camp (the father of American football) helped to shape the current rules, introducing the eleven-man side, the line of scrimmage, the concept of “downs” and “yards” gained, and a new points-scoring system (which was later to be adjusted several times). The distinction from rugby was further accentuated in 1906 by the legalization of the forward pass.

Rules and Description

Players wear heavy padding and helmet, and passing of the ball by hand, including one forward pass per play, is permitted. The game is played on a rectangular field, divided gridiron-like into segments: the object is to score “touchdowns” by moving the ball into the opposing teams “end zone”, but progress has to be made upfield by a series of “plays”: a team must make 9.14m/10yd of ground within four plays, otherwise it loses possession of the ball. Six points are awarded for a touchdown. An extra point can be gained by kicking the ball between the posts and over the crossbar, or two points can be gained by advancing the ball (through play rather than kicking) from the two-yard line into the end zone in a “two point conversion”. A goal kicked from anywhere on the field (a field goal) is worth three points. Teams consist of more than 40 members, but only eleven are allowed on the field at any one time: separate units of players are used for attacking play, defensive play, kicking off, etc.

Players and Positions

Every NFL team has a roster of up to 53 players. Only 11 are on the field at any one time, but many are used in the course of the game-some or all of the team may be substituted in the break between plays, if there enough time. Each player has specialized role within one of three main playing units: offense, defense, and special teams. Offensive linemen, linebackers, cornerbackers, and safeties. Positions in the srecial teams include placekicker, punter, holder, long and short snapper, and puntreturner.

The Gridiron

A football field is bounded by long sidelines and short end lines, forming a rectangle that measures 120x53yd (109x49m). The 100yd (91m) between the posts are divided by yard lines that cross the field every 5yd (4.5m), and are numbered every 10yd (9m). Four rows of hash marks span the length of the field-the outer two mark 1yd (90cm) from the sidelines: the inner, or inbound, two mark the area in which players must start if the ball goes out of bounds on the previous play. The scoring area (end zone) is bounded by the goal line, the end line, and sidelines. Most fields are covered in grass, but many have an artificial surface.

Equipment and Protection

Oval ball – An official NFL football is 28cm (11in) long, has a 71cm (28in) circumference at its widest point, and weighs 425g (150z)

Head Gear – The helmet and face guard protect the players head and face from injury.

Shoulderpads – Every player suits up with foam-lined plastic shoulderpads.

Team Colours – Every player wears a jersey in the team clours. The name and number identifies the player and includes NFL and team logos.

Tight Fit – A combination of nylon and spandex allows the pants to stretch over the bulky leg padding.

Padded inserts – Players slip padded inserts under their pants to protect legs against falls and blows from other players.

Lightweight shoes – On grass, players wear shoes with hard plastic cleats, which screww into the soles, but on artificial surfaces, shoes with moulded soles are worn.

Goal posts 

The goal posts are positioned on the back line of the end zone. The offense can lick a field goal (3 point) or a conversion after touchdown (1 point) between the two posts. The base is padded for the protection of the players.

Sports Equipment Supplier

10 Pin Bowling

Bowlers roll a heavy ball along a smooth lane and try to knock down as many of the 10 pins as possible. Points are awarded for the number of pins demolished. Bonuses are given for a "strike" when every pin is knocked over in one attempt.

Player Profile

The only essential is the ability to learn, though endless practice, the techniques of ball control. Age is no barrier: American Dick Weber was 72 when he won the 2002 professional Bowlers Association title.

Equipment and Protection

Come as you are - The only clothing required is that it allows easy movement of the arms and legs.

Sure Footing - The shoe on the leading foot has a rubber sole to give traction: that on the back foot has a leather soleto permit sliding.

Bowling Ball - Balls are traditionally plain black, but many now are finished in any colour and sometimes have patterned designs.


The game emerged in the United States in the 1920s. The first British alleys opened in London in 1960.

One of the most prestigious competitions is the annual Weber Cup. Team Europe compete against Team USA in the equivalent of golfs Ryder Cup.

Pins and Balls

Pins and Balls were once made simply of wood, but the former are now synthetic or plastic - coated wood, while the latter are made of plastic, urethane, epoxy or a combination of these materials. For recreational 10 - Pin bowling, balls come in various weights to suit the strength of the player

The Ball - A full size competition ball weights 7.25kg (16Ib). Its surface is entirely smooth apart from grip holes for a thumb, middle finger, and ring finger.

The Pins - The pins are all uniform height and shoulder be 11.4cm wide at the belly. They each weigh 1.47 - 1.64kg (3Ib 4oz - 3Ib 10oz)

Life in the Fast Lane

The bowling lane is made of 39 planks of polyurethane or wood. On either side of it are semicircular gutters to collect off-target balls. Most public bowling alleys have retractable guard rails that can be lowered into place on the lane-side of the gutters: these are normally brought down to assist players who lack the strength to control the balls. Contestants must release the ball before reaching the foul line, and having bowled, they must not overstep onto the lane.

After every turn, the balls are automatically returned to the approach area along a raised, sloping trackway mounted on the rightand side of the lane.

Lane Law

In competitive 10 - Pin, each player has 10 frames, each of which consist of two attempts to knock down as many pins as possible. One point is scored for every pin that is knocked down. Contestants who demolish all 10 pins at the first attempt are awarded a strike, for which they earn a bonus of whatever they score in the following frame. So the points scored for the two balls after the strikeare counted twice. If the player knocks down all 10 pins in two attempts, he or she is awarded a spare, the bonus for which is double the number of points scored with the first ball of the following frame. If there is still at least one pin standing sfter the second attempt, it is called an open frame

Sunday 22 January 2012

If You Ain't First, You Might As Well Be Last.

Most of us are at an age where we can appreciate advances in technology, but still remember simpler times.

What if phonebooks were still the lifeblood of your customers’ business searches? Where would you want your business to be listed? Buried under a misspelling in the white pages? Among a list of hundreds of similar businesses in the yellow pages? Prominently featured on the cover? If you were in business 20 years ago, you may even remember some competitors intentionally starting their business’ name with an “A” or “B” because they wanted to rise to the top of searches by the way people were looking for them—alphabetically. A business could be lost in a sea of names if it wasn’t positioned to be found.

Fast-forward to the digital age and online rankings are much like the phone book. If people know the exact title of your business, they can track you down fairly quickly. However, if people are searching for someone in your business category on the web (as is the number one search method), there may be hundreds, thousands, and yes, sometimes millions of businesses that trump yours in the search results. Is it your habit to click through multiple pages when you do a search? If people cannot find what they are looking for on the first or second page, they generally don’t keep scrolling through other listings, they re-phrase their search words. Roughly translated, this means if you aren’t first, you might as well be last.

Did you know?

- 8 out of 10 people search online when looking for product information
- 85% of people ignore paid links
- 63% of the links naturally listed at the top of Search results are opened
*source: Search Engine News

Your Design Online partners with you and takes a personal interest in making sure your business shows up correctly in the “white pages,” outranks your competition in the “yellow pages,” and is placed in front of other businesses through a prominent feature on “the cover.”

Seeking LT Meaningful Relationship With An SEO And Design Firm?

Growing a business. Becoming a leader in your industry. It takes guts and gusto, perhaps a bit of trial and error, and a definite willingness to break away from the pack and step out on your own.

If you’re a master chef who wants to open an exclusive restaurant, an inventor who wants to open a widget shop, a top-notch consultant who wants to increase business—you have a special talent to share with the world and may not have the time or wherewithal to become a jack of all trades in related business matters.

This is where engaging other go-getters in long-term business relationships is essential. There are two areas no business can afford to be lax in: establishing your presence and communicating with your customers. And if that’s not your forte, then it’s time to partner with a company whose specialty is just that.

Can you do it yourself? Many novices try. There are even templates out there to help you. But have you ever noticed that not even those who sell templates use a template to market their own business! If you are serious about your business’ image and reach, you need to place your signature on the industry and stand above the crowd. How can you do that?

Seek out a design firm that

1)    Wants to get to know and understand your business
2)    Has the time and staff to dedicate to your needs
3)    Can show you specific examples of other businesses they’ve branded and marketed
4)    Exhibits good communication skills
5)    Will work to continually grow and groom your web presence
6)    Speaks in layman’s terms and has a plan that makes financial sense
7)    Is well-rounded in design, marketing, and social media
8)    Can reasonably maintain a long-term, personal relationship with you.

You can attempt a relationship with anyone. Like all successful long-term relationships, it really boils down to finding someone who really sees and can bring out the very best in you and who will champion who you are. Where will you look for that kind of relationship in the business realm?
Welcome to YDO. It all starts here.

To learn more visit www.yourdesignonline.com.

Up Next: The Path to Enlightenment: Harnessing the Power of the Internet to Grow your Business

SEO, Website Design, & Social Media: Don’t Go At IT Without A Plan To Customize

Choosing a web development group to build and optimize your website, run your social media, shoot video, and truly be the media push your company needs is a very important decision. Reallocating yesteryear’s print media dollars to the new online media market through a web firm that promises to get your business noticed on the Internet is a necessary, albeit risky decision. On one hand, we contend it is the best advertising money a company can spend. On the other, it is also the quickest way to flush your budget if you choose a web development group that cannot deliver on its promises.

The number one thing we’d encourage you to address when interviewing search engine optimization (SEO) companies is CUSTOMIZATION.  That’s because as much as website optimization companies tout that they offer the golden ticket to high Internet rankings and traffic galore, the reality is there is no one special formula.

You heard us right. Believe us, we wish there were a magic bullet to bring all of our beloved small to medium sized business right to the top of the heap—and don’t get us wrong, we can and do help our clients achieve the results they desire. However, we do it through a very detailed and customized strategy built specifically around each company and its objectives.

Can you run your business through the template mill and come out with something decent? You bet. But looks are only screen-deep. When you have something all flashy and pretty that still doesn’t come up in your customers’ search results, something is not right.

Look for a company that builds the back end of the website as well as the “front end” pages that your customers see. This includes planting key words and constantly cycling fresh and relevant content through your site. It means interacting with your readership and interlinking all of your efforts so you can rise to the top of the holy grail of Internet rankings: Google’s search results.

Most importantly, look for an SEO firm that will take the time to sit down and get to know your company from the inside out. Be open to hearing anything from your SEO team: from challenging your current messaging strategies or company image to tweaking the finer points of your delivery.

Finally, look for a company with an expansive portfolio, proven results, and longevity. Believe us, the only way to stay in business for any length of time as an Internet advertising agency is to constantly deliver outstanding results to our client base. And we do.

Are you in search of an SEO or website design firm? Start here. We’ll help you get the answers you need and the results you desire. Where can we help you start?

Wednesday 18 January 2012

What Have You Done For Me Lately, Web Designer? Welcome To THe Advent Of New Web Advertising

Did you have your website built or revamped last year? Has it been longer than that? If you’ve been looking around and putting two and two together, you’ve probably figured out it’s missing some pretty significant upgrades. Have you noticed “Like” or “Like us on Facebook” suggestions everywhere from physical media to websites? Just 12 short months ago, there was no such thing. How about those QR codes you see stuck on the bottom of posters and on magazines and newspaper inserts? Those little black and white squares offer people a chance to hop on your website with a simple scan of their smart phone.

If you don’t have either of these features associated with your business, it’s time you ask your development team, “What have you done for me lately?” and it’s time to integrate those features into your web-marketing plan.

What can the Like button and QR code do for your business? Certainly help you keep up with your competition and offer you a lot of credibility. How so? According to Entrepreneur magazine, Americans spent over $3.4 billion on mobile shopping last year. The same study indicates that spending on mobile phones is expected to reach $163 billion in the next four years.

How much of that should be your piece of the pie?

Additionally, consumers feel confident when spending with a company who has a strong likeability factor on Facebook. Peer approval places you eons higher than self-promotion and is truly priceless in the world of advertising.

Remember, when seeking a web developer to brand and promote your company, it’s important to look beyond brilliant designs and understand exactly how the company can work with you. Your presence on the Internet should keep up with the constant evolution of the web and the ways your customers use instant media to find your company and spend with you.

If your social media and web design firm hasn’t offered you these vital features, talk to them about it or start interviewing other Internet design companies. Your business cannot afford to be in the wrong hands!

We’re happy to answer any questions, any time. We can also help you link your Twitter account into your business so you can tweet breaking news, company specials, fun quips, announcements, and more. We can do the same with Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, and many more!

Many thanks for your readership!

~Your Atlanta web development professionals at Your Design Online

The Number One Key To Continual Online Business Growth

Companies approach Your Design Online all the time with one main objective behind their web development and social media marketing: Grow my business!

Much like considering medical options with your doctor, website marketing and design is built around professional opinion that stems from previous case studies and an educated point-person.

Take for instance, a person who has heart trouble. A doctor will assess that person’s health, explain their medical condition, and then make recommendations based on his or her findings. The recommendations could range from a change in diet and exercise, to incorporating stress reduction techniques, taking medication, or having surgery. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to health, just as there is no one-size-fits-all approach to website development and marketing. Both scenarios, whether it’s your personal health or your business posture, require a long-term commitment to goal-oriented, productive behaviors.

What kind of long-term commitment are we talking about when it comes to website design and marketing?

For one thing, contrary to popular belief, you can’t just build a website, hit the “launch” button, and forget about it. That was all good ten years ago when the Internet was still one-dimensional and less interactive. Websites that function well today require attention. This can come in the form of:

       Fresh video content
       Regularly scheduled blogs
  • Updated news feeds
  • Active social media links
  • Inviting and responding to guests’ comments
  • Posting helpful tips
  • Linking valuable and relevant sites
  • Rotating customer-centric promotions or sales
  • Featuring customers and testimonials
  • Games or contests
  •  Live video webinars
  • Moving “ticker” updates and industry news trends

What are your impressions when you stop in a brick and mortar store and their parking lot is empty? Do you believe that the business is floundering? That’s how most people perceive stagnant websites. The number one key to business growth today is to keep your message in motion and appear “alive and responsive” through your online presence.

Your Design Online can train your internal team to keep your website rolling with fresh content, or we offer website maintenance in various packages designed to meet your ongoing web marketing goals. We even work with independent business owners to help them maximize their time, message, and presence while building their business.

What are your favorite websites, and why? How can you capture those elements and raise your website to the next level?

Let’s start the conversation. Meet us on Facebook or call one of our team at 1 (800) 698-5859 to learn more today.